10. Wigetta y el tesoro de Chocatuspalmas (Spanish Edition)

10. Wigetta y el tesoro de Chocatuspalmas (Spanish Edition)

B. inggris (5) Therefore, computer gaming is more expensive than the regular one. (6) Computer gaming is different from a regular computer. Answer:

(5) Therefore, computer gaming is more expensive than the regular one. (6) Computer gaming is different from a regular computer. Answer:


Computer gaming is different from a regular computer; therefore, computer gaming is more expensive than the regular one.


Cause and Effect Relationship

Cause: Computer gaming is different from a regular computer

Effect: Computer gaming is more expensive than the regular one

Linking word: Therefore

Formula: [Cause] therefore [Effect]



Computer gaming is different from a regular computer; therefore, computer gaming is more expensive than the regular one.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Adverb (kata keterangan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kata "Therefore" merupakan Conjunctive Adverb (kata keterangan penghubung) yang memiliki arti "untuk alasan itu" atau "karena itulah" yang berfungsi menghubungkan kedua kalimat pada konteks jawaban di atas.


Komputer gaming (komputer yang khusus didisain untuk bermain game) berbeda dari komputer biasa; oleh karena itu, komputer gaming lebih mahal daripada komputer yang biasa.

Semoga membantu ya.
